Well, as you may have noticed, October seems to be "Grace" month...
I don't know exactly why... it just seemed to happen that way- along with my devotional being on the topic of grace for one week, and the other things just finding their way along as well...
Now, this next bit of time, you might see either:
1. Thoughts coming from the themes in my devotional book, Devotions for Dating Couples which is currently focusing on prayer- but was on grace last week... :)
2. Thoughts from my biblestudy book-- "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper... a book that I really LOVE... because John Piper is really good at expressing things in words I wouldn't think of... and expressing truth that I may "know" in a way that makes it come to light more vibrantly, more lifechangingly... If you want to see some discussion about this book, go to my biblestudy's blog- Phrisbee Phellowship
3. Something entirely random, and apart from these two topics... something that just sticks out at me.
:) well, signing off for now... I've got a chapter of each book to read...
Daily Grace...
Republished from my Korismos blog- 9/5/06
You know that song "Day by day"... Part of the lyrics go, "Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find, to meet my trials here" Well... that's what's been happening for me lately... If it wasn't for that grace and strength, all of life would seem so overwhelmingly busy and frustrating and difficult... But..."....His promises, they fail not.....no cause for worry or for fear" When I can put my worries in God's hands, he who promised never to leave me or forsake me, and he who cares more than anyone else about all of my silly little problems and struggles... and the God, who gives us abundantly more than we ask, can help me to overcome my struggles and problems, relax in the safety of his care, and bask in the sunshine of his love. It doesn't matter now, if I have to wait for something I've been looking forward to... God is in control, and knows what's best for me. It doesn't have to bother me that I don't know what's happening for sure beyond today, or that I don't have an idea of what's happening beyond Christmas break... Whatever happens, will be in God's perfect timing.
I should mention that I am writing this as much to tell about what I have, as to remind myself of it... I try to plan things too far ahead, and think too far in advance about what is to come, and get overly concerned about it when I don't need to be. But I'm working on it. And He's working on me. :-)
You know that song "Day by day"... Part of the lyrics go, "Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find, to meet my trials here" Well... that's what's been happening for me lately... If it wasn't for that grace and strength, all of life would seem so overwhelmingly busy and frustrating and difficult... But..."....His promises, they fail not.....no cause for worry or for fear" When I can put my worries in God's hands, he who promised never to leave me or forsake me, and he who cares more than anyone else about all of my silly little problems and struggles... and the God, who gives us abundantly more than we ask, can help me to overcome my struggles and problems, relax in the safety of his care, and bask in the sunshine of his love. It doesn't matter now, if I have to wait for something I've been looking forward to... God is in control, and knows what's best for me. It doesn't have to bother me that I don't know what's happening for sure beyond today, or that I don't have an idea of what's happening beyond Christmas break... Whatever happens, will be in God's perfect timing.
I should mention that I am writing this as much to tell about what I have, as to remind myself of it... I try to plan things too far ahead, and think too far in advance about what is to come, and get overly concerned about it when I don't need to be. But I'm working on it. And He's working on me. :-)
Let's talk about Grace...

Yes, I know my last post was on God's grace as well... but it's what I've been studying in devotions, and it's just amazed me today.
Verses to think about:
2 Corinthians 4:7-9, 13-18; 5:4-9, 11, 13-21, 6:1

How often do you think about what Christ has done for you? If you're anything like me, the answer is- "Not often enough!"
2 Corinthians 5:11,14a:
"Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men... For Christ's love compels us..."
Are you compelled by love? Or do you live compelled by your own flesh, seeking after your own desires, and doing things for praise of yourself, so that people look upon you favorably, so that you get what you want in life?
What does Christ's love compel us to do? Why does this love compel us?
2 Cor. 5:14-15
"For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again."
Christ's love should compel us, drive us, motivate us- to live for Him, rather than ourselves- to share our Christ with those around us because he is the First and Best of beings, the focus of the chief end of man- (to glorify God and enjoy Him forever), our Savior, our Foundation... We should be motivated to tell others about him, try to persuade them, and appeal them to be reconciled to God, because He is worthy of worship and praise, and because he is the One we were made to worship and enjoy. We should be motivated by our God- who is the embodiment of pure, perfect Love, to live each day to His glory and honor- not to satisfy our flesh and live selfishly, but to live for One other than ourselves- One who is called Christ, who has redeemed us and saved us and paid our debts of sin.
Think about it:
What place have you been giving Christ in YOUR life? Has it been a place of prominence, of honor and importance- as the place of command, the throne of your life? Or has it been kind of "fitting God in where there's room"? Are you willing to put Christ first in your life, and LIVE like you believe in Him?
When we accept the name of Christ; when we call ourselves Christians- we have a command from Paul in 2 Cor. 6:1 "As God's fellow workers we urge you not to receive God's grace in vain."
If you say "yes" to your heavenly Father's plea to be reconciled with him... live like it! Live like you've been forgiven an insurmountable debt, like your life has been redeemed from the pit... because it has. And you can do nothing to repay the One who took charge of your debt... all that you can do is live your life to please Him who redeemed you.

"God's love was expensive. God's grace is free, but it's not cheap"*
Imagine someone knocking at your door... you answer it. "Hello. You've been given a free gift of a cruise ticket. I have plenty more where this came from, so if you tell other people about this, I can give one to them too. Would you like to accept this cruise ticket?"
"Of course", you say. What would you do with this opportunity now? Would you tell your friends about this cruise ticket offer? Or would you hoard it to yourself and not share the source of your gift? "Of course I would tell people," you say. "Why would I keep secret the source of an unlimited number of gifts?" It would be selfish, and mean to keep others from knowing that they could receive this same thing you had bestowed upon yourself. However, we do this every day. The gift is not a cruise ticket, but eternal life. We regularly keep secret our gift and its Source, and neglect to tell others about how they can receive the same thing. We hide our "ticket" in the closet, and live as if we care nothing for the One that gave it to us, showing no regard to His desires and plans for our lives.
We take Grace as something that is cheap and easy, something that we don't value, or care for. Dragging Grace through the mud, we say "If God forgives me, then I can keep doing this."
Or, just as bad, we ignore that God's grace entirely, saying "I have to make it on my own," "I'm not good enough to recieve God's grace", or "God doesn't care about me... I'm too bad."
No matter whether you trivialize God's Grace by pretending/insisting it doesn't extend to you, or by taking advantage of the fire-policy you percieve it to provide... you're still ignoring something. God's grace isn't something cheap and to be wasted... it's a precious gift from the Father of Lights, the God in Heaven who created all things, and after letting us choose our own path, watching us choose the sinful one, and seeing us in need of redemption, gave up his own son to die on the cross, that our debt might be paid, so that we can be restored to fellowship with Him.
Imagine someone knocking at your door... you answer it. "Hello. You've been given a free gift of a cruise ticket. I have plenty more where this came from, so if you tell other people about this, I can give one to them too. Would you like to accept this cruise ticket?"
"Of course", you say. What would you do with this opportunity now? Would you tell your friends about this cruise ticket offer? Or would you hoard it to yourself and not share the source of your gift? "Of course I would tell people," you say. "Why would I keep secret the source of an unlimited number of gifts?" It would be selfish, and mean to keep others from knowing that they could receive this same thing you had bestowed upon yourself. However, we do this every day. The gift is not a cruise ticket, but eternal life. We regularly keep secret our gift and its Source, and neglect to tell others about how they can receive the same thing. We hide our "ticket" in the closet, and live as if we care nothing for the One that gave it to us, showing no regard to His desires and plans for our lives.
We take Grace as something that is cheap and easy, something that we don't value, or care for. Dragging Grace through the mud, we say "If God forgives me, then I can keep doing this."
Or, just as bad, we ignore that God's grace entirely, saying "I have to make it on my own," "I'm not good enough to recieve God's grace", or "God doesn't care about me... I'm too bad."
No matter whether you trivialize God's Grace by pretending/insisting it doesn't extend to you, or by taking advantage of the fire-policy you percieve it to provide... you're still ignoring something. God's grace isn't something cheap and to be wasted... it's a precious gift from the Father of Lights, the God in Heaven who created all things, and after letting us choose our own path, watching us choose the sinful one, and seeing us in need of redemption, gave up his own son to die on the cross, that our debt might be paid, so that we can be restored to fellowship with Him.
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